Friday 23 August 2013


Olé olé

Time for guacamole!

It has been a while but here is the next recipe. It is easy, healthy and delicious!
Avocados are a healthy food. They are a good source for proteins, contain good fats (like fish, walnuts and most seed oils) and vitamin A (good for the eyes!) and they prevent inflammation and heart disease. 
A good way to eat avocado is to cut it in half, remove the pit and sprinkle with some line juice and black pepper and just spoon it out. Hint: if you have a half avocado you'd like to preserve: keep the pit in it. It will prevent the avocado from turning brown.
But there is another way: Guacamole!
Guacamole is an avocado mousse originally from the South of Mexico. It is eaten with tortilla's or tortilla chips or as a side dish. 
I am really fond of the pure avocado taste, so in my recipe I don't use tomato or onion. But feel free to add them to the recipe!

If you love avocado as much as I do, check out the Avocado & Salmon recipe!


3/4 avocados
1tsp salt
1tsp black pepper
Juice from 1 lime
About 10gr chopped cilantro
1 garlic clove
Optional: 1 tomato, 1/2 onion, 1 small Jalapeño pepper

Cut your avocados in half and remove the pit. With a spoon take out the green, delicious avocado meat.
In a large bowl crush the avocado with a fork and add the salt, pepper, lime juice and chopped cilantro. Chop the garlic clove and add to the mixture.
Your Guacamole is ready to be served!
If you are going with the optional ingredients. Just add the into the mixture, finely chopped of course! 

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