Friday 23 August 2013

Easy Red Chicken Curry

Hurry hurry...

Eat that curry!

I like a good curry once in a while! Red curry, green curry, yellow curry, blue cur... wait... Not blue curry!
There are tons of different curries from different countries. But if we are talking red, green and yellow it is mostly Thai curry we are referring to.
The green curry I mostly use for fish and seafood dishes and is the hottest variation because it is prepared with green chili peppers. The red curry I use for meat or poultry. Red curry is made with the smoother, red chili peppers and commonly used in combination with coconut cream. The yellow curry, used with either fish or poultry, has a rich, bold taste and is significantly hot, but not overpowering.
For this recipe I am using a red curry paste which you can find in your local Asian store or maybe even in your supermarket (in Belgium you can find it in the supermarket).
If I'm feeling like having a real hot, hot, HOT red curry, I add an extra chili pepper or some "harissa", which is a Tunesian hot sauce much like Sambal, which I also could add.
I hope you'll enjoy this recipe and don't burn your fingers and your tongue!

Hint: serve this recipe with rice or bread. Why? Because a curry needs a side dish and rice and bread have a calming effect when your mouth is burning from hot, spicy food!

Easy Red Chicken Curry


  • 2 chicken breasts
  • 1 large onion
  • 2 tbs red curry paste
  • 1 tbs peanut oil
  • about 320ml coconut cream
  • 1 red paprika (capsicum)
  • 100 gr bamboo shoots (ask for it in the Asian store or supermarket)
  • 1 large onion
  • 1 tbs lemongrass
  • 1 garlic clove
  • Handful of cilantro
  • Optional: extra chili, sambal or harissa

If you are going to serve this with rice, start cooking your rice from now.
Cut the chicken into thin strips (I prefer about 1cm wide and 3cm long). Chop the onion into half rings, chop the garlic and chop the paprika into strips from about 2,5 long and about 0,5cm wide.
Take a large pan and heat the peanut oil. Start frying the garlic and onion.
After a minute or two add the lemon grass and the paprika and fry for another minute. Add the red curry paste and coconut cream and stir. Now add the bamboo and the chicken and let it simmer on low heat until the chicken is cooked.
But a nice ball of rice into a deep plate and add the curry. Top off with chopped cilantro.

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