Thursday 9 May 2013

Insalata Caprese

Salad you say?

This one is not for rabbits!

One thing I love, from as long as I can remember, is mozzarella. A soft, young cheese made from cow milk, originally from southern Italy. The very best one is mozzarella di bufala, this is the original mozzarella which is made from water buffalo milk. It is perfect to use in a salad or just to eat it on its own. Besides the soft and creamy mozzarella You can find a drier variation used for pizzas and lasagnas. Another variation is burata, a cheese made from mozzarella and cream, with the outer shell being the mozzarella and the inside being a mixture between cream and mozzarella. This is also a delicacy! The fist time I tried this variation was in Bologna. The burata was served on a freshly baked focaccia with cherry tomatoes and olive oil, I loved it!
But back to the mozzarella di bufala... One of my favorite ways to eat this cheese, besides eating it on its own, is in an insalata caprese. A caprese salad is really easy and it is very pure in taste! The basic of a caprese salad is mozzarella, tomatoes, basil and olive oil. To spice it up a little I like to add one of my favorite salad types: rucola (or rocket salad).
This is my version of a caprese salad, perfect as a starter to a BBQ or as a light lunch on a hot summer day.

Insalata caprese

  • 2 Mozzarella balls
  • 15 cherry tomatoes
  • some basil
  • olive oil (preferable a good olive oil you don't use for cooking)
  • balsamic vinegar
  • basil
  • some rocket salad
  • rock salt
  • black pepper
Cut your cherry tomatoes in two, cut you mozzarella into slices. Arrange the mozzarella and the cherry tomatoes on a plate, put a rocket salad leaf and a basil leaf here and there. Season with salt and pepper. And finish seasoning with olive oil and a little bit of balsamic vinegar.
Serve with a piece of toasted ciabatta!
Mmmm, così buono!

May 09, 2013

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