Friday 26 April 2013


Japanese snack


Yaki is Japanese for roasted and Tori means poultry. This is, besides sushi, my favorite Japanese dish. Do you also love sushi?! Share your favorite sushi restaurant (name& place) in the comment box below!
For you who do not know what a yakitori is; basically it is a Japanese, marinated, grilled chicken skewer. Nowadays yakitori are also made with beef, pork or fish.
These skewers are really easy to prepare. You can make them in advance, freeze them and use them as an aperitif or starter when you have unexpected guests... or you can eat them right off the grill!


  • 500gr chicken, cut into small pieces (the smaller the pieces, the faster they'll cook)
  • 6-8 bamboo sticks (quantity depends on how long you sticks are)
  • 80ml Dark Soy Sauce
  • 80ml Sake (Japanse rice wine. If you can't find this, you can use a soft white wine)
  • 80ml Mirin (Rice wine with less alcohol and more sugar than Sake. If you can't find this you can use dry sherry or vermouth with 1-2 tsp of sugar)
  • 1/2 tsp ground ginger
  • 1/2 tsp garlic
  • 1 tsp sesame oil
  • 1 chopped spring onion
Mix all the ingredients, except the spring onion, for the marinade in a sauce pan and boil for about 5 minutes on medium heat. Put the chicken on the bamboo sticks. Pour your marinade in a deep plate, add the spring onion, and coat you chicken skewer on all sides. Leave them to marinate for at least one hour. The longer they marinate, the more taste the meat will absorb. 
Grill the yakitori until they are nicely roasted on all sides. Serve hot with some sweet & sour sauce of peanut sauce! (I prefer peanut sauce!)


If you can't find peanut sauce or you would like to make it yourself, let me know in the comment box below, and i'll post a recipe!

April 26, 2013

1 comment:

  1. Sushi Wa Fu
    47, Rue de Gand

    Best sushi I've ever had!


What do you think about this?