Thursday 11 July 2013

Asian Style Mussels

Mussels from ...

... the sea.

Because of the cold weather we are having here in Belgium and surrounding countries, the mussel season had  been postponed with two weeks! But it is finaly there! Here in Belgium the musselseason goes from June until May.
Mussels are one of Belgium's traditional products, known as the famous "Moules frites"... and yeah, it are mussels with french fries on the side. By the way... isn't it weird that something typically from Belgium, talking about the fries here, is called french? But back to the mussels-business!
The traditional method to prepare mussels in Belgium is with white wine, or just nature. But not only the Belgians know how to prepare mussels! I've tasted some great Asian mussels dishes and the mediterraneans also have their tasteful ways of preparing this wonderful product.
Here is a recipe how I prepare Asian style mussels. It is a fresh, spicy and very aromatic preparation, perfect if you like to serve something special for your friends!

Hint: if you like raw oysters, try a raw mussel once; really delicious and a worthy aperitif! And it's cheaper than oysters.

Asian style mussels

  • 1 kg mussels
  • 200ml coconut milk
  • 1 tsp chopped ginger (a nicely overfilled spoon)
  • 1 tsp chopped lemongrass (also a nicely overfilled spoon)
  • 1 small chopped chili pepper
  • 1 tbs fish sauce (you can find this in every Asian store, or even in a big supermarket)
  • 1 small chopped onion
  • 1 stalk of celery, chopped
  • a handfull of cilantro
  • 1 tbs peanut oil
Heat the oil in a large pot on high heat. Add the ginger, lemongrass, chopped chili, onion & celery. Only braise shortly for about 1 minute. Add the fish sauce and stew for another minute. Add the mussels and the coconut milk and put the lid on the pot. Shake after 5 minutes to make sure the mussels from the bottom get to the top and vice versa. The will be ready when the mussels are open. You don't want them to get overcooked, causing them to become rubbery.
Take your pot from the heat, add the chopped cilantro and shake up one last time. Serve with bread or white rice.

April 30, 2013

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